Mouth covers will no longer be mandatory in Guanajuato; economic recovery traffic light suspended

  • cubrebocas-dejara-de-ser-obligatorio-en-guanajuato-tambien-se-elimina-el-semaforo-de-reactivacion-economica

News Category: News, Community News, COVID 19, and General Discussion

  • Published April 30th, 2022

    The State Committee for Health Safety (CESSA) decided to suspend the state traffic light for economic reactivation and to continue with the epidemiological monitoring of the behavior of the SARS CovV2 virus. The use of masks will be preferential, not mandatory.

    The decision will be published in the State Official Gazette and leaves without effect as of May 2, the general measures for the entrance to commercial establishments and governmental or private offices, cultural spaces, as well as other facilities, contained in the previous agreements with CESSA regarding the placement of sanitary filters for temperature taking, application of antibacterial gel and use of sanitizing mats at the entrances of the premises.

    The following measures are maintained: preferential use of masks in enclosed spaces, antibacterial gel dispensers with 70% alcohol at the entrance and common areas, as well as permanent natural ventilation.

    These determinations may be modified according to the determinations of the federal health authority.

    The State Health Secretariat informed that epidemiological surveillance should be strengthened, especially in respiratory cases in all health sector units as a fundamental part of the follow-up of the behavior of the virus.

    The above decisions are taken due to the fact that the Guanajuato Ministry of Health has registered the lowest hospitalization levels since the beginning of the pandemic with a 1 percent bed occupancy rate out of the 1,321 beds available.

    In four recorded waves, there has been a significant decrease, with the lowest point in two years, of patients requiring hospitalization and a marked decrease in deaths.

    As of epidemiological week 15 of this year, most municipalities have zero active cases, but the sampling of patients who meet the operational definition of respiratory symptoms continues.

    Guanajuato remains nationally the state that has best managed the pandemic and the State Health Secretariat is the most transparent agency in the country.


    Frequent handwashing with soap and water.

    Use of antibacterial gel with 70% alcohol.

    Privilege open spaces.

    Vaccinate when the biologic is available, in terms of the National Vaccination Policy.

    Sneezing etiquette.

    Do not spit in the street, and use toilet paper and deposit it in the appropriate place.
    Go for medical consultation if data of acute respiratory disease are identified.

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