UUFSMA: “Rebooting Your Life”

  • UUSMA-Chalice

Event Category: Religous/Spiritual

  • UU Service

    “Rebooting Your Life”

    Rev. Tom Rosiello

    Sunday, Sept. 29, 10:30 a.m.

    Hotel La Aldea

    by Jon Sievert


    This is the time of year when Jews around the world observe what are often called the High Holy Days, which begin at sundown Sunday Sept. 29 with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and conclude 10 days later with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). At this Sunday’s Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Affiliate Minister the Rev. Tom Rosiello explores the teachings these holidays have in the context of Unitarian Universalism.

    “We’ve all had the experience of our computer freezing up or the picture on our television becoming snowy or breaking up,” says Rev. Rosiello. “We know what to do. Reboot! Let the machine get a fresh start. In a sense this is what the teaching of the high holidays suggest that we do each year with our lives. But it is not quite as easy as pushing a button.

    “To get a fresh start to return to our true selves, we must first look back over our past year and honestly identify where we have ‘missed the mark,’ where we have done things we ought not to have done or failed to do those things we should have done. Then we must engage in a process of seeking forgiveness called teshuvah (returning), which involves trying to right any harm we may have caused and committing to not repeat the same behavior. These holidays remind that we can restart our lives, we can make things right, we can repair relationships that are broken. We even can do our part to repair the wrongs of the world.”

    Guests from all religious traditions or backgrounds are welcome, especially families with children. The service begins with the telling of the biblical story of Jonah and the Whale in a version especially for children. Then the children will leave for their own special morning program.

    As always, music will be a central part of the service. This Sunday’s music will feature music from the Jewish tradition and music reflecting the themes of the High Holy Days. The pianist is Paula Peace.

    `For more information about the UUFSMA, including our Sunday morning Children’s Religious Education program, Social Action outreach, weekly discussion groups, social activities, and Care Team, join us any Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the Hotel La Aldea or check out our website at uufsma.org.

    Our fellowship was born in 1987 when a small group of expatriate religious liberals came together to meet as Unitarian Universalists in San Miguel de Allende. The fellowship has been active and thriving ever since. Every UU church has it’s own flavor, and we are no exception. We are a combination of expats and visitors, each actively engaged and contributing to this wonderful Mexican community we love. Because there is a coming, going, and returning aspect, our spiritual community is extremely fluid.  There is a magic in San Miguel which draws us in and binds us together—both as members of the church and of the larger community. Our programming is led by visiting ministers, community leaders, and church members, so the variety is lively. We have opportunities to meet as UU’s each week at discussion groups, breakfasts, luncheons, and in various other ways. Depending on the season, attendance fluctuates between 40 and 140. Our primary focus is on funding social action within the surrounding community. We love good music, good discussion, good food, and having visitors. We invite you to join us any Sunday morning.


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