SMA broke the record for hotel occupancy and restaurant consumption

  • san-miguel-de-allende-rompio-el-record-en-ocupacion-hotelera-y-consumo-en-restaurantes

News Category: News, Community News, General Discussion, and Travel

  • Published March 26th, 2022

    The long weekend was very good for service providers in San Miguel de Allende, with a hotel occupancy rate of 99.98% and economic revenue of 33.4 million pesos, according to the municipal government.

    The long weekend to celebrate the birth of Benito Juarez made the Heart of Mexico “beat”, and thousands of tourists came to enjoy the great benefits of the destination, resulting in a record hotel occupancy.

    On Saturday, March 19, San Miguel de Allende reached almost maximum capacity with 99.98 percent room occupancy, being the strongest day in terms of visitor reception at hotels in the municipality. Likewise, restaurants reported full and record consumption that had not been registered since the beginning of the pandemic.

    The tourism strategy implemented by the municipal government has allowed the tourist and economic reactivation of this World Heritage City, achieving an economic revenue of 33.4 million pesos, which benefited the entire local tourism industry, which recorded an average daily expenditure of 2,134 pesos per visitor.

    This tourist destination proved once again that it continues to be the preferred destination for both national and international travelers, who find in San Miguel de Allende diverse experiences for all segments.

    Otro punto fundamental es que nuevamente hubo “saldo blanco” en materia de seguridad, ya que se desplegó un dispositivo municipal en coordinación con otras corporaciones, para preservar el orden público y la paz entre sus habitantes y visitantes.

    Con estos resultados post-pandémicos del COVID-19, San Miguel se ha posicionado como un destino turístico que enamora a todos los viajeros gracias a sus atractivos, desde la famosa e icónica Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, las calles empedradas y casonas, sus galerías de arte y museos, sus actividades ecoturísticas, los viñedos y haciendas que sorprenden, entre otros.

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