On the way to the dawn of the Lord San Miguel, traditionalists already preparing the stars

  • rumbo-a-la-alborada-del-senor-san-miguel-tradicionalistas-ya-alistan-las-estrellas

News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published September 4th, 2022

    On the way to the dawn of the Lord St. Michael the Archangel, traditionalists are already preparing the stars that will dance in the early morning of October 1 in the Garden.

    The traditionalist Joaquín Sierra Rangel, who is the organizer of the dawn festival in the Calzada de Aurora, shared that this year they are looking for the return of the complete event, with all its stars, without any restriction as it had been happening in the last 2 years due to the covid pandemic, which only allowed them at most 20 for each neighborhood and with no attendance of people.

    “It is expected that the dawn this year will be resumed at one hundred percent (100%) as it should be, maybe they will ask us for security measures but we will see what will happen,” he said.

    The number of stars from the families of La Aurora is around 50 and more from the neighbors of La Estación and Valle del Maíz. Approximately 150 stars are regularly exhibited at the event, Joaquín shared.

    As for the preparations, he indicated that the stars are ready, they are already assembled and they will only be working on the placement of Chinese paper for the participation they will have, such as “La Reseña” of the Alborada that will be on September 23rd at 5:00 in the afternoon, which is still being prepared and planned. And the big Alborada that will be on October 1st.

    He said that for the traditional “Alborada”, the stars of the different neighborhoods will leave between 12:30 and 1:00 in the morning, and at about 3:00 am would be the traditional laps with the stars around the garden until the time of the traditional burning of gunpowder, as traditionally done since 1924.

    It is important to remember that the first “Alborada” was held on December 8, 1924, in honor of the Immaculate Conception, the following year it was held in honor of St. Michael, and this year it is already 98 years, so the motto for the next two years is “towards the centenary of the “Alborada” which is about to be fulfilled in 2024.

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